Martin Smith-Rodden
6204 Washington Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Curriculum Vitae
Virginia Wesleyan College
Degree: Bachelor of Arts, cum laude,
May 2003
Major: Social Sciences /Sociology concentration
Old Dominion University / Department of Psychology
Degree: Masters of Science Degree, Experimental Psychology / Cognition Concentration
Degree awarded: May 2010
Old Dominion University / Department of Psychology
Doctoral Candidate: Ph.D / Applied Experimental Psychology,
Dissertation defended September 30, 2013.
Anticipated date of degree completion: December 14, 2013
Biasing and Influence Factors resulting from Exposure to Media Imagery, Social Cognition, Decision Making, Judgments of Trust and Distrust, The Hindsight Bias effect, Social Stigma, Implicit Cognition.
Smith-Rodden, M. Trust judgments and the hindsight bias effect. Old Dominion University (Defended, December 2009, M.S. in May 2010).
Smith-Rodden, M. Effect of emotionally arousing negative images on judgments about news stories. Old Dominion University (Defended, September 2021, Ph.D. in December 2013).
May, R. W., Smith-Rodden, M., Ash, I. K. (2014, July). Hindsight Bias and the Role of Surprise in Judgment. Invited symposium presentation at CogSci2014, the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. July 23-26, Quebec City, Canada.
Smith-Rodden, M. & Ash, I. K. (2010, April). Memory distortions linked with hindsight bias during judgments of trust. Poster presented at the Virginia Psychological
Association's 2010 spring conference, Norfolk Marriott Waterside Conference Center: Norfolk, VA.
Smith-Rodden, M. & Ash, I. K. (2009, May). Examining the hindsight bias effect during judgments of trust. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, Virginia Commonwealth University: Richmond, VA.
Smith-Rodden, M., Ash, I. K., Phillips, A. (2009, May). Trust Judgments and the Hindsight Bias Effect. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science / “Crossing Boundaries: Becoming a Cumulative Science”: San Franciscio, CA.
Smith-Rodden, M. & Ash, I. K. (2009, April). An examination of the hindsight bias effect following judgments of trust. Paper presented at the Annual Spring Meeting of the Virginia Psychological Association: Williamsburg, VA.
Smith-Rodden, M., Taylor, J., Ash, I. K., Derlega, V. J., & Edwards, A. (2008, April). An implicit measures study of AIDS and cancer-related stigma. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Research Expo "Communities of Research: Discovery, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.": Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Smith-Rodden, M. & Ash, I. K. (2007, April). An Implicit Measures study of AIDS-related Stigma and Terror Management Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Spring Meeting of the Virginia Psychological Association: Richmond, VA.
Smith-Rodden, M. & Ash, I. K. (2012) Investigating the psychological effects of news imagery: A case for evidence-based decision making and practices. Visual Communications Quarterly, 19:1, 20-32
Smith-Rodden, M., & Ash, I. (2017). The effect of emotionally arousing negative images on judgments about news stories. Visual Communication Quarterly, 23.
May, J.F., Baldwin, C.L. & Parasuraman, R. (2006). Prevention of Rear-End Crashes in Drivers with Task-Induced Fatigue through the Use of Auditory Collision Avoidance Warnings. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Proceedings, San Francisco, CA.
Participated and assisted in execution of experimental protocols and data collection. Tasks included assisting researchers in development of experimental protocol (prior to trials), administering hearing tests, Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), preparing subjects, wiring, administering, and collection of data for EEG/ERP, operating, and administering experimental protocols using the General Electric Capital I-Sim driver simulator.
May 14, 2014, Session Chair for VJAS psychology presentations, annual meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Ad hoc reviewer: Visual Communications Quarterly (since 2013)
March 22-24, 2013, Workshop faculty and speaker for The Image Deconstructed Workshop 2013, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Topic of lecture: “Thinking about thinking: How Psychology intersects with Photojournalism”
May 23, 2012, Session Chair for Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) psychology presentations, Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, Norfolk State University.
May 24, 2011, Session Chair for VJAS psychology presentations, Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, University of Richmond.
May 19, 2010, Session Chair for VJAS psychology presentations, Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, James Madison University.
May 27, 2009, Session Chair for VJAS psychology presentations, Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, Virginia Commonwealth University.
May 21, 2008, Judge for VJAS psychology presentations, Annual Meeting, Virginia Academy of Science, Hampton University.
Summer, 2006, Truth With A Camera Workshop, Faculty; worked with students during weeklong professional development workshop in researching, incubation and execution of photojournalistic documentary work.
January 2005 through March 2006, Trainer: Conflict Resolution workshops (Virginian-Pilot Performance Development)
January 2005 through March 2006, Trainer: Discovery Techniques Workshop (Virginian-Pilot Performance Development)
Spring 2015, Virginia Wesleyan College, Journalism 333: Design and Editing. This course is an exploration of design and editing concepts in contemporary journalism, with attention to communicating clearly through visuals and words. Through numerous exercises and class discussions, students learn about content, typographical details, headline writing, and photojournalism. The course will stress the psychology and mental approach of the design and editing of the page, as well as the design’s interaction and engagement of the viewer or reader as human sensations and perceptions are discussed in detail.
Fall 2014, Virginia Wesleyan College, Psychology 389 (Applied Social Psychology); Will instruct as an adjunct professor, presented lectures and lessons in a once a week upper-level class on experimental social psychology, for undergraduate students at a small liberal arts college in Southeastern Virginia. Evaluations based on assignments, participation, extra credit opportunities, writing assignments and scores for 2 exams.
Summer 2014, Media Psychology (PSY 4200), an upper level undergraduate course to Psychology majors at the Virginia Beach branch of South University, a for-profit institution of higher education owned by Education Management Corporation (EDMC). Course has a heavy concentration on the psychological applications of communication theory, practices and media effects. Will instruct as an adjunct professor, using my own background as a tenured media professional as well as my academic grounding in cognitive psychology to explore the nexus between mass communication and behavioral science, highlighting both traditional as well as new media.
Spring 2014, Virginia Wesleyan College, Psychology 201 (Introduction to Psychology); An adjunct professor, presenting lectures and lessons in a once a week class for undergraduate students at a small liberal arts college in Southeastern Virginia. Evaluations based on assignments, participation, extra credit writing assignments and scores for 4 exams.
Fall 2010, Virginia Wesleyan College, Psychology 201 (Introduction to Psychology); Served as an adjunct professor, presented lectures and lessons in a twice-weekly class for undergraduate students at a small liberal arts college in Southeastern Virginia. Evaluations based on assignments, participation, extra credit writing assignments and scores for 4 exams.
Spring 2009, Old Dominion University, Psychology 201 (Introduction to Psychology); two classes on February 23, 2009, guest lectured on topics of Sensation and Perception to fill-in for instructor on leave.
Spring 2009, Old Dominion University, Psychology 795/895 (Psychology & Public Policy); hosted and spoke during a tour or a newspaper newsroom on February 11, 2009, invited and led a graduate-level class through a tour of The Virginian-Pilot newspaper (Norfolk, VA.), and arranged and participated in a roundtable discussion of policy decisions and journalistic ethics between the class and the newspaper’s Managing Editor Maria Carrillo.
Spring 2009, Old Dominion University Chapter of Psi Chi, (Norfolk, VA.); Represented the Old Dominion Psychology Department’s Applied Experimental Program for a Panel roundtable discussion on Old Dominion Graduate Study Programs, on January 29, 2009.
Fall 2007, Tidewater Community College, Photojournalism 201 (Intermediate Photojournalism); substituted for instructor during his assignment abroad on October 16, 18 and 23, 2007, handled class lectures, discussions, assignments, critiques.
Spring 2004, Old Dominion University, Psychology 431/531 (Community Psychology); as part of graduate student responsibilities, substitute lectured to undergraduate class April 6, 2004 for instructor during absence.
Association for Psychological Science (Since 2009); Graduate Student affiliate
National Press Photographer’s Association (since 1981)